Music by Danielle Isaacson

Who Is the Child?
Primary Christmas Song
Years before I finished this song I had a melody running through my mind to the lyrics of this, which are found in the Children's Songbook page 46. When I was thinking about writing a primary song, this came to my mind. I decided to go back to it and I was so glad I did!
The lyrics to the 1st verse are the same. The 2nd verse words are my lyrics. The 3rd verse starts with the same first two words and the rest is different. "Hush now" I wanted to keep because when we think of the Savior and all he is for us (like the titles mentioned in that verse), our fears and troubles will be calmed. We aren't the ones hushing because there's a baby, we ourselves are being hushed.
In the refrain at the end I think it is so powerful to contrast that it is "God's Son" is sleeping in merely "a manger." I feel the spirit every time I play that part.
Finally, I like that some of this is already in the songbook so when seeking permission to use this song, you can mention that the lyrics are from the Children's Songbook.
Singing Time Ideas
Verse 1
Bring a nativity set. Show manger with the Christ babe in it and ask the children: Who is the child in the manger?
Pick up Mary and Joseph and ask them: Why would Mary and Joseph be so amazed with this baby?
Answer: Mary and Joseph both saw angels telling them that Jesus is the Son of God. They had the privilege of watching the miracles unfold in Jesus' life.
Sing the first verse with the children helping you to come up with actions.
Verse 2
Draw these pictures on the board while you sing the song. Talk about a few. My favorite is the shepherds publishing joy. They spread the news far and wide of Christ's birth.
Verse 3 is really the climax of the song. I would teach it in this way using this document with the words and corresponding pictures:
Bring out the first page and show the pictures. Ask what are things some kids are worried about in these pictures. Explain this verse starts with saying "Hush now." When we sing this it isn't about us hushing the baby Jesus, it is more that Christ is the one who calms our fears and we can be hushed because he came to earth to help us.
Have the next few pages (one needs to be cut in half) on the board and have the kids put the names of Christ in order as you sing the song. Talk about the names as they are placed.
When you get to the page, "This is the child in the manger," point out all the names of Christ on there and testify that he is all those things to us and the world.
Teach the children that the last line "God's Son asleep in a manger" is so touching because Christ Almighty, who came down from a throne, is now sleeping in a mere manger. He truly descended below all things.