Music by Danielle Isaacson

Resurrection Day
Primary Song - Original
Just last week I posted an arrangement that took me about 5 years to complete. I wrote this in less than 24 hours.
The annual music competition at church has a November 1 deadline. I felt really prompted to write a primary song after struggling with a youth song for the last month. On October 30th, late at night I jotted down the words to this chorus and I had a tune going in my head. That’s it.
The next Halloween morning after dropping my kids off at school, I set to work. Four hours later (and just as it was time to get my kindergardner), it was pretty much done. I just made a few minor adjustments as I played it over and over until that night when I submitted it.
Never before have I felt Heavenly Father so closely leading me along in writing a song. The tune and chords seemed to spill out onto my paper. And these lyrics really needed a special feeling. They needed something hopefully yet sensitive.
When I had verse 1, I felt I needed inspiration for verse 2. I knew my time was short and I was worried about studying time (I often pour over General Conference talks). I was quickly led to this Ensign Article. Three short paragraphs. It gave me the exact concept I needed. When I play and sing this verse, the spirit touches me every time because of the inspiring message. I truly was guided.
If anyone ever taught this song to children, I would use the 3 key words in the chorus as a foundation: strength, hope, and knowledge. I love that the restored gospel does provide us with knowledge of the resurrection. It absolutely brings peace and joy to our souls. The soul is made up of our body and spirit, so of course our whole souls would rejoice in this knowledge.
Resurrection Day
When trials appear on my path
You'll find me down on my knees.
For my loving Father gave His own Son
Who knows my adversity.
The Savior give strength when burdens are heavy,
Hope that I'll be made whole,
And knowledge of Resurrection Day
Bringing peace and joy to my soul.
When loved ones go down to the grave
I'll feel God‘s loving embrace
As the spirit whispers it’s not the end
But only a resting place.